When we walked in most of the inside of the house was painted the builder white. I think builders use a combo of lots of air and very little flat paint to cover the walls. The color was okay since it gave me the chance to paint everything the color that I wanted. Two rooms though definitely bore the mark of the previous owner. The family room was some sort of gold color that looked okay in the daytime but turned a horrid color at night under the incandescent lighting. That wasn't the worst of it though. There was some sort of modern design painted on the wall. It consisted of squares and other shapes, part of which looked like the real estate sign outside. I absolutely hated it, so that was the first thing to go.
"This is a nice house" I thought. Then I walked into the master bedroom. It was painted a deep red. Now I know that this was/is all the rage, but an all red room is just not for me. I like red as an accent color, but not a whole room. I might like it in the dining room or a small bathroom, but not a huge master bedroom. I thought, "Oh no, I'll have to paint this room, too." It is just now being painted. I have put it off long enough.
The reason de-redding the room is such a bear is that the room has a cathedral ceiling along with a plant shelf up about 100 feet from the ground. Okay, it's not that far up, but it might as well be because there is no way my arms are long enough to reach over and up enough to trim the top of the wall. Lucky Tim will get to help with that part.
I have spent two days now dusting, washing, rinsing 3 of the walls, taping, all the unusual prep work, and painting on the primer to kill the red. The 4th wall will have to wait until the bed can be moved away from the wall. Many painting books and websites tell you to move out all the furniture. I ask, "To where?" I don't have a large storage shed and a king-size canopy bed and "break-your-back furniture" isn't going anywhere real fast. It's hard enough to move the furniture with those super slider thingys. The day Tim gets too feeble to lift up the furniture to put the sliders under, well I don't want to think about it! Today I will begin the more final neutral color. I hope I like it.
On those home improvement shows, I often see them painting very deep, rich colors on the walls. I shudder when a deep purple or a black color is used. No one tells these homeowners that they may tire of these deep colors very quickly (that's my case). The show host says, "If you don't like the color just repaint the room." I say, no one from those shows comes back to help you repaint anything!
As I was applying the primer yesterday, I kept thinking, "Now why is it that I don't want this red room?" I guess the paint fumes were getting to me.